How Accurate Is It When You Talk to AI?

How accurate AI responses when you talk through it depends on the type of AI model and conversation context. OpenAI recently stated that around 87% of the responses from their AI, such as one of the most sophisticated language models called GPT-4 in terms of relevance and correctness based on user inputs, were factual. But, its shortcomings emerge when it tackles relatively more ambiguous subjects like feelings or intricate human activities because many of its responses do not always meet the human-like expectations.

When describing the process of asking AI questions around more factual content, it seems to deliver fairly accurate information. For instance, when tasked with recalling historical events or scientific data, some GPT-4 outputs have proven to be remarkably accurate— in many instances below a 10% error rate. On the other hand, for topical and subjective queries like personal advices or ethical dilemmas AI return answering can be less accurate. In 2023, Stanford University revealed that when it comes to making complex decisions or providing contextual advice, AI answers were only accurate 60-70% of the time.

In real applications, the accuracy of this also depends on the data on which AI has been trained. For example, AI for customer service can achieve greater than 95% accuracy in answering simple request types like providing order tracking details or product information. But when the discussion turns to more complex or unprepared topics, that accuracy falls short. As just one example, Gartner reported in 2022 that customer service chatbots achieved a 70% resolution rate, so the other 30% still needed help from humans.

The more you interact with it, the better AI starts to understand. It also learns from past conversations making it more personalized and interactive over time. According to a new report from the AI research company DeepMind, after months of experimenting with thousands of users giving feedback on answers, those AIs can adjust for more than a 20% accuracy improvement based on the incoming data and user responses.

AI is powerful and has its place, but it cannot replicate the human touch when things involve emotional intelligence or creativity. As IBM’s CEO Arvind Krishna said in 2023, “AI is a tool, not a replacement for human judgment”. This underscores the inherent lack of specificity to which any AI can respond with human-level accuracy regarding a given subject matter.

If you are really interested to know what sort of conversation AI can have with humans, then you can just talk to ai and see how it works for yourself and where it shines and where is still very archaic in its development.

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